087 - 1v1 Squares
20x20 split into 4 equal squares. 1v1 in each square. Ball possession.
1v1. Ball possession.
All the players
Bibs, balls, cones
Split half the court into 4 equal squares. In each square there is 1 player from each team. The players cannot move out of the squares.
One ball in play and the team must try to keep the ball for as long as possible.
Point for x number of passes or x seconds with the ball.
Make the 4 squares smaller and have one in each corner. So now there is a space between the squares (so the players must make longer passes).
Same as above but have a server for each team in the middle and cannot move. This player must pass the ball to one of their own players and receive it back to score a point. Continue until they lose the ball and then the server from the other team has a go.
Ball Possession, Technique - 1v1