090 - 2v2 + 2 Box Possession
13x13, 2v2 + 2 outside square. Ball possession.
Ball possession. 2v2.
All the players
Bibs, balls, cones
Create a square with a 2v2 in the middle plus 2 players from each team on opposite sides of the square. The 2v2 in the middle must try to keep possession using their two outside players. 10 passes equal 1 goal.
2 touch limit.
2 touch until 5 passes then unlimited.
1.5 touches (2 touch then 1 touch then 2 touch and so on).
Add floaters to make it easier.
Play 3v3.
Can’t pass back to the same outside player before the other outside player
Change with the outside player when you pass to them.
Players on the outside have 1 touch.
1 player on the outside from each has a ball in the hand. If they receive the ball and pass on 1 touch they stay where they are and if they control the ball they enter with the ball in the hands with 2 touches and the player that passed takes their position.
Key Points (Coaching Points
Ball Possession, Technique - Control and ball protection, Technique - Marking - Losing your marker, Technique - Passing