092 - 3 Team Possession
28x20, three teams possession (2 colors vs 1 color).
Ball possession.
All the players
Cones, bibs, balls
Split the players into 3 equal teams all wearing different colour bibs. In an appropriately sized area 2 teams join together to maintain possession and 1 team defends. Whichever team loses the ball switches the role and become the defenders.

Key Points (Coaching Points)
Open the passing lines.
Directional control to avoid the pressure.
Body shape to have good awareness of the area.
Speed of ball circulation.
Speed and precision of passing.
In defence collaborating to co-ordinate the pressure and closing passing lines.
Offer passing lines, use orientated control and speed in circulation.
Encourage speed of execution and speed of pass.
Consider the use of different technical actions to keep the ball.
Consider the importance of ball possession for counteracting opposition defences.
Can’t pass back to the player that passed it to you.
Can’t pass the ball to the same colour.
If receive off same colour have 1 touch, if receive off a different colour have 2 touches.
2 touch, 1 and a half touch.
A team only becomes defends after attackers have lost the ball 3 times (after 1st loss of possession go to 2 touch, after the 2nd to 1 touch and after 3rd defend).
Ball Possession