094 - Ball in the Hands
20x20, two teams ball possession. 1 player with the ball in his hands. He is not playing in attack or defense.
Ball possession. Decision making.
All players
Cones, bibs, balls
Divide the players into 2 teams and play inside half court. The aim of the game is to keep possession. Each team has 1 player with a ball in the hand and whichever player has the ball in the hand cannot participate in attack or defence. This player can throw the ball to a team-mate. 1 point is scored for every 10 consecutive passes.
Add a time limit to how long one player can hold the ball in the hands (e.g. 4 seconds).
If a team makes 10 consecutive passes they can throw the ball in the hand to the opposing team. If the opposing team regain possession then they throw the extra ball back.
Ball Possession