118 - 3v3 + 2 Defensive Pressing
3v3 in 28x20. Defensive Pressing.
Defensive Pressing.
8 + gks
Balls and bibs
3v3 in 28x20. Defensive Pressing.
2 jokers are on the outside of the court at the halfway line, one in yellow and one in red.
Pass to the yellow joker and there is a touch limit and the team in possession can attack both goals.
Pass to the red joker and the team in possession must use their weaker foot only, have unlimited touches and can attack both goals.
After the attack has ended the jokers return to their start positions.
The players will learn to organize their attacking action in a continuous transition from one role to the other, considering the rules of the different games.

Key Points (Coaching Points):
Press to avoid the attacking team using the joker.
Every player must touch the ball on the team in possession before they can pass to a joker on the outside.
Positional Attack, Positional Defense, Positional Defense - Pressing