119 - 3v3 Withdrawal with corners
Game of 3v3 + goalkeepers in 28x20m with 3 touches.
Withdrawal .
All the players
Cones, bibs, balls
Game of 3v3 + goalkeepers in 28x20m with 3 touches.
Each team has 2 additional players, one on either side, ready to take a corner.
When the ball goes out for a kick in or corner the player on the same side for the team in possession takes the corner. Also take a corner if there is a foul or a player takes more than 3 touches.
If a goal is scored then the scoring team retains possession and change the direction of attack.

Key Points (Coaching Points):
Quick withdrawal.
Quick taking of the corner.
Unlimited touches.
Transitions - Attack, Transitions - Defense