3 Box Possession
Using an area of 30x15 create 3 rectangles of 10x15. Split the players into three teams (4 players optimally), each team occupies one rectangle and they cannot change rectangle. The aim of the exercise is to maintain possession.
Ball possession. First defensive line.
30x15 divided into 3 rectangles of 10x15
All the players
Bibs, balls, cones
Using an area of 30x15 create 3 rectangles of 10x15. Split the players into three teams (4 players optimally), each team occupies one rectangle and they cannot change rectangle. The aim of the exercise is to maintain possession. The team in the central rectangle is defending. One of the outside teams has the ball and they must make a certain number of passes in their rectangle before passing it to the other outside rectangle. The defending team can send two players to defend in the outside rectangles. No aerial passes. If a team loses a ball they become the defending team.

Key Points (Coaching Points)
Observe and open the passing lines through the defenders.
Directional control to avoid the pressure.
Speed and precision of passing.
In defence collaborating to co-ordinate the pressure and closing passing lines.
Allow aerial passes.
Introduce a touch limit.
Adjust the number of defenders allowed in the rectangle.
The defenders in the central square cannot intercept the ball.
Reduce the size of the area.
Maximum number of passes allowed in one rectangle.
After x number of passes the team can pass to the other rectangle but also after x passes the defenders can send one of their central defenders to the box to make a 4v3. If the ball goes to the other rectangle then play 4v2 again until x number of passes.
Ball Possession, Group Actions - Build up, Technique - Control and ball protection, Technique - Passing