Plyometric Exercises to Develop Explosive Power
These exercises develop players explosive power which is needed in futsal. Futsal is highlighted with many change of directions and accelerations during the game play. These actions emphasize explosive power and decelerative actions.
To develop explosive power. Short contact develops explosiveness via stretch-shortening cycle and longer contact exercises via fast muscle contraction. Better to use both methods.
20 x 20 m (half court)
Depends how many exercises you do and how many reps
Individual or team
Stairs, fences or just futsal court.
Start with short contact exercises. 100-200 reps per exercise. Progression +10 % each week (repetitions). No more than 400 reps (each exercise) per training session.

Longer contact time exercises - start with 4 sets x 6 reps and progression + 1-2 reps per week. No more than 10 reps (each exercise) per training session.
More Training Related Content in Marko Demidoff Youtube-channel.
Physical Conditioning