Footwork - Handling Exercise 1
Footwork - Handling Exercise 1
Reinforcing - Small Feet and Side to side movements / Handling
20 x 20
5-10 Minutes
3 Players and 1 Goalkeeper
Balls and Cones
Player 2 will begin exercise by passing low to goalkeeper x2, the goalkeeper receives pass by moving from standing position into long barrier/block shot and returns pass.
The second return pass the goalkeeper returns the ball back slowly to player 2.
Goalkeeper weaves through cones.
Player 3 passes high to Goalkeeper - goalkeeper catches the ball and returns.
Goalkeeper weaves through cones.
Player 2 passes low, the goalkeeper receives pass by moving from standing position into long barrier/block shot and returns pass slowly to player 2.
Repeat process with player 4.
Vary types of shot.
Vary types of foot movement.
Positional Defense