Zimski trening - 8 ljudi
Manje ljudi na treningu, znači prilagodba uvjetima i brojnosti

3vs3 + pivot (tranzicija + izlazak iz presinga)
3v3 na 20x20 s ciljem da nakon što naprave 2-3 dodavanja dodaju loptu na pivota gdje se igra 2vs1.
Posjed lopte, zavaravanje protivničkog markiranja i igranje u prazan prostor s brzim tranzicijama i obrambenim repozicioniranjem.
Napadačka ekipa napravljena od 3 igrača + pivot + golman i obrambena ekipa napravljena od 3 igrača + golman
Lopte, markirne majice
Golman mora uvijek napraviti kratko dodavanje da na toj polovici krene 3 v3.
Tri napadača moraju si medusobno dodati loptu barem 2-3 puta prije nego što ju dodaju pivotu.
Igrač koji dodaje loptu na pivota pridodaje se napadu, a njegov direktni protivnik igra obranu protiv njega i pivota na drugoj strani igrališta.
Ako napadači ne daju gol, mijenjaju se uloge, a ako ga daju igra se nastavlja na isti nacin.
Nakon dodavanja na pivota svi igrači napadaju i svi igrači brane.
Obrambeni igrači trebaju spriječiti dodavanje na pivota, dok napadači trebaju konstantno igrati izmedu linija i zaradivati leđa obrambenih igrača.
Group Actions - Build up, Group Actions - Finishing

Igra - "Pobjegni cuvaru"
Igrac pokusava pobjeći svome čuvaru da bi dobio situaciju za cist udarac po golu.
- procjenjivanje tajminga - izgradivanje svjesnosti o kretnji cuvara - razmisljanje o kretnjama unaprijed
5 igraca: 1 napadac and 1 obrambeni; 2 neutralna igraca koji dodaju lopte; 1 golman
Dva cunja, puno lopti, markeri
Dva igraca su pozicionirana u visini cunjeva gdje stoje igraci s loptom. CIlj je da napadac primit loptu od strane neutralnih igraca i sutne po golu
Napadac mora izbjeci svog cuvara kako bi uspio postici situaciju za cist udarac.
Napadac moze primiti loptu od bilo kojeg igraca koliko god puta zeli zaredom.
Ograniciti radijus kretanje napadaca. Primanje samo u razini, primanje u 7m, primanje na povratnu
Technique - Marking - Losing your marker, Technique - Shoting

3 Box Possession
Using an area of 30x15 create 3 rectangles of 10x15. Split the players into three teams (4 players optimally), each team occupies one rectangle and they cannot change rectangle. The aim of the exercise is to maintain possession.
Ball possession. First defensive line.
30x15 divided into 3 rectangles of 10x15
All the players
Bibs, balls, cones
Using an area of 30x15 create 3 rectangles of 10x15. Split the players into three teams (4 players optimally), each team occupies one rectangle and they cannot change rectangle. The aim of the exercise is to maintain possession. The team in the central rectangle is defending. One of the outside teams has the ball and they must make a certain number of passes in their rectangle before passing it to the other outside rectangle. The defending team can send two players to defend in the outside rectangles. No aerial passes. If a team loses a ball they become the defending team.

Key Points (Coaching Points)
Observe and open the passing lines through the defenders.
Directional control to avoid the pressure.
Speed and precision of passing.
In defence collaborating to co-ordinate the pressure and closing passing lines.
Allow aerial passes.
Introduce a touch limit.
Adjust the number of defenders allowed in the rectangle.
The defenders in the central square cannot intercept the ball.
Reduce the size of the area.
Maximum number of passes allowed in one rectangle.
After x number of passes the team can pass to the other rectangle but also after x passes the defenders can send one of their central defenders to the box to make a 4v3. If the ball goes to the other rectangle then play 4v2 again until x number of passes.
Ball Possession, Group Actions - Build up, Technique - Control and ball protection, Technique - Passing

089 - Izbjegni čuvara
28x20. 3v3, pure individual defense.
All the players
Bibs, balls, cones
Game of 3v3. Players are paired with a player on the opposing team. The players must mark totally individual and they can only defend their partner. Thus there can be no exchanges, no defensive help and no providing defensive cover. When possession is won you must pass to your goalkeeper (to prevent fast attacks).

Key Points (Coaching Points)
Co-ordination between player who moves to lose their marker and the player with the ball.
Earn the back of your opponent.
2 touch (to prevent players dribbling 1v1)
Play 4v4
Group Actions - Build up, Technique - 1v1, Technique - Control and ball protection, Technique - Marking - Losing your marker, Technique - Passing, Technique - Running with the ball

Roko TS1 Realna igra
Realna igra 5v5 na 40x20m.
Svi igrači
Realna igra 5v5 na 40x20m bez ikakvih uvjeta
10-12 years, Real Game - Unmodified

80 min